About me


The Blog:
Is mainly about LIFE AND STUFF ETC.

Usually stuff that’s going on in my head and the ridiculous things that happen in my life. I like to think I’m funny and opinionated. I love a list. I try not to take life too seriously, but I have been known to chuck out the odd serious post now and again. Since starting this blog I have gained a new addiction, I am a linky addict and I participate in far too many of them, you can check these out here Linkys

I recently joined the 30 gang, it’s not actually as bad as I was expecting, but I’m still not at the stage where I’m shouting about it from the rooftops.

I like all things bad for you, strawberry cider, pizza and Indian takeaways to name just a few. I’m a self-confessed worrier and over-thinker, but I have accepted that this is just my way.

I’m not a chef, baker or car mechanic.
However I am an experienced: taxi driver, referee, hair-dresser, cleaner, laundry women, Lego constructor, health and safety officer, first aider, dietician, poo expert and Mr Tumble lover.

I’m not a fan of drama but it seems to follow me in my pursuit of the easy life.
I can rant as much as the next person and I enjoy a jolly good moan, but who doesn’t?!

Nights out are rare and the social life is pretty much non-existent, standard behaviour for a mum.

Check out my and me bits for personal posts.
The kiddies:
I’m a mum to one of each kind: A 6 year old girl, known as J, who tricked me into thinking motherhood was easy and that all babies slept and never cried. What a fool. And a 1 year old little devil in disguise. Who changed all my theories and beliefs on this parenting lark.

Both tipped my world upside down and changed my life for the better. They frustrate and challenge me every single day, but we wouldn’t have it any other way, would we?

Check out my 'One of each kinds' bits for post on the kids.

So this is me blogging through the sleep deprivation, nappies and tantrums about life after your 20’s and being a mum to one of each kind.


  1. Some folks tried to tell me how becoming a mother will be, but I just couldn't connect with what they were saying. Motherhood is an experience like no other, isn't it. Oh, the belly giggles and hugs ... nothing like them. All the best on your journey.

    Thanks for linking with #SoMeBlogLuv (formerly #SoFAL) last week.

  2. Hello! Nice blog you got here - here visiting from the #WeekendBlogHop :)
