Thursday, 14 May 2015

"I had a dream......"

Ok so mine wasn't as important or as inspiring as Martin Luther-Kings, obviously! But I did have a ground breaking dream. It involved all parents being entitled to one week off once a year, a parenting-break. It was actually encouraged and not frowned upon to leave your children for one whole week, to selfishly indulge yourself and all completely guilt-free :)

Just imagine....

Now I know every parents first thought would be 'I would miss my children far to much' I'm with you, I get it, I've only left mine for 1 night, once, to go to a wedding and I missed them ridiculously. It doesn't matter how much the buggers play you up you just cant help but miss them. But what if they got to go on their own educational vacation, like summer camp and you knew they would be fine and you had no worries about the children what so ever!

Just imagine....

Next thought 'Parents cant afford luxuries like that' well what if it was all paid for by the government, a new scheme to help parents keep their sanity and commend good parenting. A chance to re-charge batteries, relax and recuperate.

So just to re-cap - One weeks all paid for, parenting break! I know unreal right?! Now this got me thinking about what I would do with my one week off? In-between missing the children terribly, obviously.

* Sun - there would have to be sun. With no need for erratic application of factor 50 on the little ones every half an hour.

* Sleep - lots of it. Undisturbed deep sleep, long naps and lie-in's.

* Cocktails - with no regards to the hangover, I can sleep it off anyway.

* Hot unrushed meals - that I wouldn't have to share or throw away because it went cold.

* Conversations with my partner about anything but the children.

* Reading - a whole book in a day, if I felt like it.

* Long indulgent showers or even go all out an have a bath! In peace.

* I would get dressed up, put a full face of make-up on, not a half arsed effort with a toddler pulling at your leg and get my hair done. For no reason at all, just because I can.

* I would be spontaneous, adventurous and crazy for one whole week, with no regard to school nights, bad behaviour or telling offs.

Just imagine....

* No Cbeebies! or frozen! or 1D!

* No nappies, no Jam disasters to clean up and no dare devil stunts to put a stop to.   

* No nagging, no asking 5-6 times to do things and no losing your temper and shouting at all, for one whole week.

But then after that one week you feel like a new person, totally refreshed and confident. You cant wait to see your babies and they cant wait to see you, everyone's a winner.

What would you do with your parenting break? Just imagine......

Linked up to:

The List
The Dad Network
The Little Life of Ickle Pickle


  1. Oh, does this HAVE to be a dream? One week off a year isn't asking a lot, is it? I would probably have a week abroad with my OH, no cooking/cleaning or anything, decent weather and just general relaxing. Either that, or I'd go skiing I think! x

    1. Skiing sounds lush so does the no cleaning or cooking!!! I can imagine it now :) thanks for dropping by lovely x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Where can I register for this package?

    xx Marta

  4. Aww this sounds like pure bliss! Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x

  5. Oh I can dream! Whenever I'm given the opportunity to lie in, I end up waking up earlier that I normally do! It would probably take me a week to actually relax! :) x

  6. :D Sounds great - and I'm sure the grandparents would love to have them too - when do you go? :) #TheList

  7. I was buying it most of the way and then reality hit and I now feel like crying! I want all these things so why does it have to be a dream! ;)
    Great post btw. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there next week

  8. My son used to go to Granny's for 2 weeks a year, and I missed him terribly but it was good too. We appreciated each other a lot more. Shame it's only a dream now. Thanks for linking up with #MyFavouritePost
