Friday, 20 March 2015

Ranting and me.

I love a good moan.

There are lots of posts out there on the things that make us happy and I love reading them, don't get me wrong there are lots that make me happy too but there are lots of things that p*** me off no end also. So I thought I would share them with you, its good to embrace the shit things in life too, sometimes.

Please do add any of your own in the comment box below. Lets all whine together.

1) Predictive texts, I constantly send my partner texts along the lines 'Ducking kids' not helpful when I'm on a rant.

2) Dog poo, this gets my back up! If you cant clean up after your own dog don't have one! Simple. If my child went where ever he felt like it I would have to clean it up so why shouldn't you! Shit on your prams wheels is the most annoying thing ever or worst still your toddlers shoes.

3) Low battery, I'm aware this is probably quite a popular one. But its 2015 for god frigging sake. 

4) People who park in mother and baby parking spaces, when they have no children!! why do this?!
I'm sure they do it on purpose just to wind up us already wound up mothers.

5) Smoking in public places, I used to smoke but I didn't inflict it on other people. As for smoking in car's with children this makes me so angry!

6) Sauce sachets in restaurants! I'm a lover of tomato sauce, I use quite allot of it and those stupid piddly little sachets are useless! They can not be in anyway cost effective (as I use 10 +) and are defiantly not customer friendly! Stop being tight and have bottles available for us sauce lovers.

7) Grumpy cashiers, at least pretend like you want to be there! It could be worse, you could of just attempted food shopping with a hyperactive one year old who wants to be out of the trolley at what ever cost!!

8) Shit time keeping, When people say they will be there in 5 minutes and turn up and hour later, like I got all the time In the world!!!

9) Bad manners, there is no excuse for bad manners in my opinion, please and thank you go along way.

10) Cash machines. They used to let you have £5 notes which was brilliant when you just need a loaf of bread, now you can only take out £10, so you spend the lot on going in a shop just for a loaf of bread!

11) Football tweets, don't get me wrong I love footie and I love twitter but I don't appreciate my whole feed being rammed full of football tweets every time a match is on, watch the bloody match instead of commentating!!

12) Primark. My favourite shop of all time - I love but hate shopping there. It's like a jumble sale with clothes thrown everywhere and the size on the hanger is never the size of the item and you only realise when you get all the way home! Queuing is a battle of the biggest baskets, with pushing and shoving. And why so warm, why is there a need to have the heaters on so bloody hot, I always come out of there a big sweaty, stressed mess!!

13) People without children, not all but some. Who are immaculately dressed, with no added sick stains, who have time to straighten their hair and apply make up. Who can go out without having to preform a military operation in order to leave the house and who look like they have had sleep and are re-freshed.

14) Mothers who's babies sleep and have always slept, all night. SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to know.

I'm forcing myself to stop now I could probably moan all day, maybe I should do moan of the week each week, with my round-up of my latest moan's. 

Its good to moan.  

Linking up to:

The List
The Dad Network

Modern Dad Pages


  1. Oh I can agree with so many of these, especially dog poo and people who park in parent/child spaces and have no children with them ARGHGHGHGHHH!! It really makes me see red, they usually speed in to the spaces a little too fast - twice in the last week I have seen people 'steal' the last parent/child space right before my eyes, just to rub it in. It makes me want to start writing notes, (or scratching their car with a key- not that I would actually do that!) Oh dear, I fear I have started off on a bit of a rant now!!

  2. Thank you for reading and having a little rant with me x

  3. Oh my goodness, I agree with you on pretty all these. Quality rant! Mother and baby spaces - yep does my head in! Cash machines - yes!!! The fiver machines were so useful! Primark - why oh why can't they make an online shop!?!? xx

    1. Thank you :) online primark who be amazing!! x

  4. Oh worse than no 13....those who have perfect hair and make up and clean matching clothes and DO have children ;)


    Laura @ Life with Baby Kicks

    1. Oh yes, not worth considering them types! Thank you for reading x

  5. Oh gosh I don't know where to start - people who don't have children parking in parent and child parking spaces; people who smoke in cars with kids in; dogs in parks not on leads with small children .... and breath lol #bigfatlinky

    1. Uhh Huhh!!!! Hope you feel better it's quite therapeutic isn't it. Thank you for reading x

  6. I can agree with you on most of these! I hate social media when it comes to televised events/shows! I want to punch all the people who post spoilers to tv shows on twitter or facebook!!! I don't always watch tv when the show is on. I don't want to log in and see "Oh my God can you believe so and so died?"Or "Holy crap I can't believe that happened at the end of the movie!!!" GRR!

    1. I agree so infuriating! Thank you for reading x

  7. Ok you and me are on the same page here! Every part was making me angrier and angrier! These are all my top moaning points. The smoking one especially. I'm a smoker but I smoke away from people and never around non smokers it bugs the hell out of me. It's a dirty habit font inflict it on others. It's my dirty habit and ill keep it that way. Even as a smoker it winds me up when others do it in some restraint and keep it to yourself. Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky....I'm off to have a rant!

    1. Ahhh Martyn its so refreshing to know I'm not the only one who loves a good rant! The smoking one is interesting, not all smokers are self obsessed.

  8. I cannot stand Primark, it makes me depressed! Unfortunately my teenage daughters love it argh! I'm with you on all the others too :)

  9. I feel like I am stalking you! We always seem to be next to track other in linkies- we must be on the same schedule. I loved this post - what really annoys me is mothers who look like the people in no.13 how do they manage that? Do they do it just to make me feel bad? I also agree about primary - does shopping there have to be such an ordeal? #brilliantblogposts

  10. Yes Yes and Yes. Double yes to the dog poo.

  11. I agree with all of these, except maybe the football one - my Twitter feed is that fast I probably one see one or two! As a non-parent I probably shouldn't agree with the one about that, but I see women all put together and wonder how they find the time too lol :) #effitfriday

  12. Love this but did you know you don't queue when pregnant in primark? I use obscene amounts of sauce and they are such a pain to open as well grrrrr

    Thanks for linking to #effitfriday x

  13. 14!!!!! And also people who say 'I'll just put mine in their Moses basket and shut the door!' - shut up, just shut up! #effitfriday

  14. Great rant! I can't wait for next week :) grumpy cashiers... I always think to myself that they are in the wrong job if they can't be happy! Thank you for linking on #effitfriday :)
