Thursday, 7 May 2015

Intolerances and me.

This is a post I could have re-wrote 3-4 times over, during the last 6 years. It has been a constant learning curve and every day I learn that little bit more. Whilst I’m not as clueless as I was 6 years ago, I’m still in no way an expert and I don't have all the answers, but I've also realised nor do the professionals.

The reason I’m writing this post is because it may help someone else at some point.  Nowadays there are lots of sources of information out there, but 6 years ago there wasn’t and I felt totally lost and a big fat failure at the whole motherhood lark. It’s a stressful time already without intolerances thrown in the mix. So if my experience helps even one person, then I’ll be happy.

My two children, which have different fathers are both cow’s milk protein intolerant. I have been tested and it has been confirmed that I don’t have the intolerance.

My daughter was diagnosed at 6 months by the Health visitor, when I made the decision to stop breast-feeding and I put her on to formula, her reaction was instant and the symptoms were quite obviously an intolerance. She was immediately prescribed Aptamil pepti by the GP, which stopped the symptoms almost immediately.

* The Symptoms were, blood in nappies, diarrhoea and a rash all over her body.

My daughter over the years has slowly been able to tolerate more and more but at the age of 6 she still has occasional spells. She can tolerate yogurts but not chocolate at all. I wasn't aware of the milk ladder during my daughters intolerance or that she was only meant to be prescribed the formula till she was 3, she was still getting it up to a month ago! I have been making a bottle up for her to put on her cereal every morning. I have now been told that they are going to stop the prescription and she is to have shop brought dairy-free milk, like almond milk or Alpro soya based etc. However she has tried various ones before and detested the taste, as she is so used to her own milk. I'm not looking forward to the last box running out, as I may have a battle on my hands. I have also been prescribed a calcium supplement for her but I've read lots of constricting advice on the internet so I need to do more research before I give it to her.

My son was diagnosed at 7 weeks old and I was advised to change my diet whilst breast feeding, I found this extremely difficult and my son was still suffering the symptoms, so I made the decision to stop breast feeding. He was prescribed Nutramigen Lipil and we're still using this.

* The Symptoms were, Flatulence, bloated stomach, diarrhoea, colic, extremely fussy/irritable especially at night, eczema type skin.

My son is very sensitive and cannot tolerate even the smallest amounts.

My son's symptoms have decreased but he still has the following symptoms, Bad wind, sleeplessness, irritable/fussy, colic, bloated stomach. mainly the symptoms are present at night when lying flat. He wakes in distress and is in obvious discomfort with wind and a bloated stomach, he tenses up his body and strain's.

The things I have been advised to try:
* Cutting out wheat - no difference
* Cutting out diary - big difference
* Cutting out eggs - doesn't have eggs anyway
* Cutting out Soya - big difference
* Cutting out high fructose fruit / veg - where we are currently at - biggest difference

Cutting out wheat was extremely difficult alongside his milk free diet, I'm so glad we only had to do it for a week. There wasn't any change in his symptoms.

Fructose intolerance which I'm in the process of researching. The symptoms do seem to match up but its far more complicated then cutting out some fruits. we are hoping for another dietarian appointment soon which will help with this.

I stopped him from having jam and he slept for one whole night, I thought we had cracked it but he was back to his upset self the next night, I've now gone on to read that jam doesn't effect fructose suffers. This is how confusing the process is. I'm forever told its trial and error, but when you have episodes like this and when you make allowances for teething and illnesses too its hard to determine what's going on.

To say it is has been a very frustrating an over whelming process would be an understatement, we are still none the wiser. But thanks to the internet and the website below things are made that little bit easier.

I'm currently putting together a food diary, to show the dietician on our next visit. alongside this is information on his sleep patterns and what is happening in his nappies. This can be quite life consuming but its very important to keep a record of all the going's on.


Things I’ve learnt:
* There is no clear and accurate test for intolerance suffers, its trial and error.
* Bourbon biscuits are a life saver!
* Dairy free ranges are very limited, especially in my area. I’ve found Sainsbury’s to be the best by far.
* Everybody's intolerance is different, My daughter can tolerate completely different things to my son.

Here is a copy of the milk ladder: 

I haven't yet started the milk ladder with my son as he still having on-going symptoms so it would be impossible to determine what he was reacting to.

My daughter has started stage 1, twice and had a mild reaction. We are then required to wait 4-6 months, for the gut to recover, before starting the process again. However I know she can tolerate stage 9 - yogurt. My daughters intolerance is unpredictable as she is able to tolerate some things and not others. Her intolerance is not text book.  

My son with his first ever ice-cream, from the Tesco's Free-From range.
You can imagine how amazing he thought this was :)

Shopping is an absolute nightmare and takes a long time, I read every label on every item I buy so this can be quite time consuming and stressful. whilst labels are getting better and supermarkets free-from ranges are improving, may-contains still exist and cause no end of problems.

I've noticed a big increase in babies being diagnosed with intolerance and allergies in the last couple of years. Hopefully with time there will be allot more awareness and professional help available.

Linked up to:
Binky Linky


  1. My sons friend is gluten and dairy intolerant, I felt really bad at my sons party when he asked if he could eat the cake I had made. You are right more people are being diagnosed I think x

    1. It is so hard, at my daughters school they take cake in on each child's birthday, my daughter cant have any so her teacher has a stash of sweets for her instead. My daughter loves this special treatment. More and more cases are being diagnosed then ever before. Thank you for dropping by x

  2. My friend's baby was constantly crying, and never seemed happy. She tried a dairy free milk and within a day he was like a different baby. So content. He is 3 now, and is ok with dairy, so she was lucky that way. Sounds like a very complicated process when this isn't the case. Good luck, I hope you get it sorted. #binkylinky

  3. We are so lucky our twins are allergy free it must be so difficult great post thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  4. Great post! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky
