Friday, 29 May 2015

Loving the blogs

After a week of not doing a lot and being a lazy unmotivated blogger, I decided to give some appreciation to all the brilliant bloggers out there, who inspire me to be a better blogger. Whilst I'm not doing much on my blog I still continue to read and appreciate the blogs I love. 

My top blogs, that I read religiously:

Hannah Gale - because she is just fab. She blogs about all types of things which is what I like about her, she mixes it up. From fashion and beauty to life. Her writing style is very on trend and appeals to the younger women. Lots of her posts are featured in my favourites, below. Also she always comments back and replies to tweets, for a big time blogger this is unheard of, so top marks. 

Dizzy Brunette 3- This is a new one for me, Hannah Gale brought her to my attention and I've been hooked every since. I think I spent about a day reading lots of her archived posts, she is very girlie and its so easy to read. I now look forward to her next posts.

Pouting in heels - I get excited whenever I see Kate has published a post. I feel she is so relatable and her posts are always on point. She inspires me to write better and to achieve more. Her letter to women in abusive relationships (below) was extremely well written and so unbelievably true to reality, this will remain one of my fav posts of all time. 

The Un-Mumsy Mum - I couldn't write a top bloggers post and not mention my all time fav blogger. Her posts make me laugh during the bad days and picks me up when I'm feeling like a crappy mum. I love her honest and open style of writing, she doesn't ever sugar coat anything.

Hurrah for gin- Kate is all about the laughs for me. We can all be guilty of taking life far too serious sometimes, Kate reminds me that you have to laugh about it all and see the funny side of life.

Potty Mouthed Mummy - Sian's blog gives me serious blog envy. Not only is her design extremely professional looking her photos are also top quality, something I still really struggle with. I'll never be a photographer. Sian helped me out when I was first starting out as a blogger, with her brilliant newbie classes. They're very informative and easy to follow.

Potty Mouthed Mummy

We all have those posts that stick in our minds, that were so relatable and you were so grateful to have come across, these are mine, My Fav posts:

The Unmumsy mum - too honest you say

The unmumsymum - An open letter to mum with the red coat

Pouting in heels A letter to women in abusive relationships

Twinderelmo - Kate Middleton baby questions

Potty mouthed mummy - How to be a good blogger

Potty mouthed mummy - The evolution of the Disney princess

Hurrah for gin - Unfortunate signs you are getting old

Hannah gale - 17 things every girl needs to remember at all times

Hannah gale - important life lessons id wish id learnt sooner

The ugly little girl - self esteem why low confidence at school can become a lifetime of insecurities

Zeit my geist - Dont look now your family is changing

Carry on katy - why you shouldnt always read the label

Linked up to:

The Twinkle Diaries The List


  1. Well thank you so much lovely. What kind words, you've made my day. Have a lovely weekend xxx

    1. No problem at all. Thank you for the inspiration :) x

  2. It's great to have blogs that inspire you! Sometimes we just need a little break :) #TheList

    1. It really is and it's important to give recognition to those bloggers. Thank you for dropping by :)

  3. Lovely idea, I have been meaning to write a page about all the blogs I love - like 3 weeks ago. Some of yours I have not come across before so will definitely check out. Thank you. x #TheList

    1. That's great, I think it's so important to promote and acknowledge other bloggers. Thanks for dropping by :)

  4. What a great round up! I love sharing the love! Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x

  5. Oh you've got some of my faves on here too plus a couple I hadn't discovered thanks for sharing! #twinklytuesday

  6. OOOhhh so nice because I read them as well! I will look at the ones that I havent to check them out =) #TwinklyTuesday

  7. Haha! I love Katie (Hurrah For Gin) too — she always makes me laugh!! I love her illustrations too!! ;) Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday x

    Caro |
