Tuesday, 14 April 2015

50 happy things :)

Thank you Misunderstood Mummy for my nomination.
I love the idea of this, I for one spend far too much time moaning and ranting so sometimes I need a bit of encouragement to appreciate the things that make me happy.
Here is my 50 things, in no particular order:

1. Sleepy cuddles
2. Sloppy kisses
3. Belly giggles
4. Sunny days
5. Candles
6. Strawberry cider
7. Pizza
8. Friday feeling
9. Flowers, just because
10. A tidy house
11. The bottom of my washing basket
12. 8hrs uninterrupted sleep I cant remember what this is but it used to make me happy
13. A hard kettlebell session
14. Jeremy Kyle (always makes me feel better about life)
15. Finishing a good book
16. Fake tan
17. Laughing at or with old friends
18. Reminiscing
19. Sand between my toes
20. Old songs
21. Finding a blog you can so relate to
22. The breather after the manic school/nursery run
23. Saturday nights off from cooking
24. Sunday morning lie in's
25. First from the little one's
26. Spontaneous texts off my other half
27. Tomato sauce (in bottles not sachets)
28. Deliveries (its like Christmas for adults, sort of)
29. New toys, as in technology
30. Reaching targets in work
31. Unplanned nights out (this hasn't happened since baby2 and probably wont again)
32. Flip flops
33. Freshly cut hair
34. List, especially to do lists.
35. Hearing the rain whilst in bed
36. Nice comments and appreciation from fellow bloggers
37. Christmas time.
38. A new handbag
39. White teeth
40. Rose wine, but wine doesn't like me
41. Cinema dates
42. Hearing 'mummy I love you' never gets boring
43. Shopping coupons / vouchers / money off
44. My girl reading to me, this is a recent one
45. When people praise how well behaved my children are
46. Fitting into my size 8 jeans (doesn't happen often)
47. Trashy reality TV
48. My big soft blanket
49. My niece saying 'Auntie Lee Lee' its taken 2 years.
50. Fish and chips at the seaside

I now nominate

* Awesome Austerity
* Odd socks and lollipops
* The Brunette Says

If you've already been nominated I apologise, but its hard to know who has and who hasn't.

Enjoy x

Linked up to:
The ListMama and More


  1. Oh thank you for the nomination - I have just done it but I agree it's so hard knowing who has and who hasn't!

    I can only dream of size eight jeans - don't think I've been a size eight since I was eight years old. completely agree about the tomato ketchup though!

  2. A great list! It was such a fun post to write wasn't it. It made me feel really happy =) It's also lovely to see how the simple things and so many of the same things are making everyone's lists =)
    Thank you for the nomination!

  3. Aw what a lovely list! I especially love seeing the bottom of my washing basket too. A small thing but very satisfying!! xx

  4. Ooh lovely list, trash tv and a blanket for me please. Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x

  5. Thanks for the nomination lovely!! Starting my list now!
    Also a trashy reality TV lover right here!! ;)

  6. Smashing list - you can't beat a bit of Jeremy Kyle! ;-) Thanks for linking to #AllAboutYou x
