Friday, 10 April 2015

The happiness bug and me.

This is a rare occasion for me, I've had sleep, I feel human(ish) and happy ......... cue the happiness post :)

Carrying on from my post, Happiness and me.

Here is a list of the little things that I appreciate and that make me happy, please comment below on what makes you happy? Share the happiness people.  

* Blue skies
* Sleepy cuddles
* Baby belly giggles
* Sand in my toes
* Nights off from cooking
* Appreciation from my blog
* Sweaty kettlebell sessions
* 8hrs uninterrupted sleep
* The Friday feeling 
* Candles, they're just so dam relaxing.
* That 2 minute breather after the school/nursery run, ahhhhh.
* Strawberry cider on a summers day
* The bottom of the washing basket, such a grown up thing to say.
* Reminiscing with old friends
* Finding blogs you can relate to and make you feel human again
* Songs that bring back memories of good times, mine shamefully is H to 0 - what's it gunna be. *Cringe*
* Receiving unexpected texts from my better half
* Cards for no reason, just because. Like the one displayed above which I received off two dear friends who thought I needed cheering up, it did the job. I've had this in my purse for going on 6 years and it still makes me smile.
* Reading a good blog and being able to totally relate and feeling more normal again. Lots of Unmumsy Mum's blogs do this for me.

Tomorrow I'll be back to my sleep deprived, miserable self with more posts like Ranting and me but for today I'm going to embrace the happiness bug.

Keep smiling people summer is coming and its Friday ☀️😊👍👙❤️

Linked up to:

Mama and More

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